Time-dependent routing problems: A review

Time-dependent routing problems: A review

Authors: Gendreau, Michel; Ghiani, Gianpaolo; Guerriero, Emanuela

Computers & Operations Research - 2015 Volume 64, Pages 189-197

Time-dependent routing amounts to design “best” routes in a graph in which arc traversal times may vary over the planning horizon. In the last decade, a number of technological advances have stimulated an increased interest in this field. We survey the research in the area and present a comprehensive review of travel time modelling, applications and solution methods. In particular, we make a first classification in point-to-point and multiple-point problems. A second major classification is then performed with respect to the quality and evolution of information. Other criteria included: (i) node, arc or general routing; (ii) the possibility to choose the vehicle speed.


Cite as:

	doi = {10.1016/j.cor.2015.06.001},
	url = {https://doi.org/10.1016%2Fj.cor.2015.06.001},
	year = 2015,
	month = {dec},
	publisher = {Elsevier {BV}},
	volume = {64},
	pages = {189--197},
	author = {Michel Gendreau and Gianpaolo Ghiani and Emanuela Guerriero},
	title = {Time-dependent routing problems: A review},
	journal = {Computers {&}amp$mathsemicolon$ Operations Research}

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