Category: <span>Papers</span>

Time-Dependent Urban Customized Bus Routing With Path Flexibility

© 2000-2011 IEEE.Urban customized bus companies are increasingly motivated by design efforts that entail more efficient route scenarios to incorporate adaptation to temporal and spatial heterogeneity in travel demand. However, such motivations are usually hindered by ubiquitous arrival unpunctuality resulting …

Joint Optimization of Running Route and Scheduling for the Mixed Demand Responsive Feeder Transit With Time-Dependent Travel Times

© 2000-2011 IEEE.As an emerging urban public transport mode, responsive feeder transit system is flexible and can offer door-to-door services between new districts at margins with low urban transit coverage and trunk bus station. In this study, a joint optimization …

Constrained Route Planning over Large Multi-Modal Time-Dependent Networks

© 2021 IEEE.Constrained route planning (CRP) on transportation networks has been extensively studied because of its broad applications, such as route recommendation. However, the existing works on CRP neglect the time-dependent and multi-modal properties of transportation networks. This paper proposes …

An Efficient Monte Carlo-Based Probabilistic Time-Dependent Routing Calculation Targeting a Server-Side Car Navigation System

© 2013 IEEE.Incorporating speed probability distribution to the computation of the route planning in car navigation systems guarantees more accurate and precise responses. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for selecting dynamically the number of samples used for …

A branch and cut algorithm for the time-dependent profitable tour problem with resource constraints

In this paper we study the time-dependent profitable tour problem with resource constraints (TDPTPRC), a generalization of the profitable tour problem (PTP) which includes variable travel times to account for road congestion. In this problem, the set of customers to …

Space-Efficient, Fast and Exact Routing in Time-Dependent Road Networks

We study the problem of quickly computing point-to-point shortest paths in massive road networks with traffic predictions. Incorporating traffic predictions into routing allows, for example, to avoid commuter traffic congestions. Existing techniques follow a two-phase approach: In a preprocessing step, …

The Time-Dependent Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and Road-Network Information

Most time-dependent vehicle routing problems are based on a similar modeling paradigm: travel time information is represented by travel time functions between pairs of points of interest (e.g., depot or customers). Only a few papers investigate how these functions can …

Properties and Bounds for the Single-vehicle Capacitated Routing Problem with Time-dependent Travel Times and Multiple Trips:

This paper deals with a problem where the same vehicle performs several routes to serve a set of customers and arc traversal times vary along the planning horizon. The relationship with its time-invariant counterpart is investigated and a procedure to …

Tabu search for the time-dependent vehicle routing problem with time windows on a road network

Travel times inside cities often vary quite a lot during a day and significantly impact the duration of commercial delivery routes. Several authors have suggested time-dependent variants of the most commonly encountered vehicle routing problems. In these papers, however, time-dependency …

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