Category: <span>Papers</span>

Incorporating uncertainty and multiple objectives in real-time route selection

There is a requirement in real-time, routing information systems to identify the “optimal” route based on the multiple objectives and the individual decision-making rules of the users. While a number of utility theory-based techniques have been developed to accomplish this …

A restricted dynamic programming heuristic algorithm for the time dependent traveling salesman problem

Dynamic programming (DP) algorithms for the traveling salesman problem (TSP) can easily incorporate time dependent travel times, time windows, and precedence relationships which present difficulties for algorithms based on linear or nonlinear programming formulations and for many TSP heuristics. However, …

A classification of formulations for the (time-dependent) traveling salesman problem

The time-dependent traveling salesman problem (TDTSP) is a generalization of the classical traveling salesman problem where the cost of any given arc is dependent of its position in the tour. The TDTSP can model several real world applications (e.g., one-machine …


We consider the problem of individual route guidance in an Intelligent Vehicle-Highway Systems (IVHS ) environment, based on time-dependent forecasts of link travel time. We propose a consistency condition which deterministic forecasts should be constrained to satisfy, and show that …

Time dependent vehicle routing problems: Formulations, properties and heuristic algorithms

The time dependent vehicle routing problem (TDVRP) is defined as follows. A vehicle fleet of fixed capacities serves customers of fixed demands from a central depot. Customers are assigned to vehicles and the vehicles routed so that the total time …

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