Category: <span>Papers</span>

Waiting and Buffering Strategies for the Dynamic Pickup and Delivery Problem with Time Windows

We investigate the impact of two strategies for dynamic pickup and delivery problems on the quality of solutions produced by insertion heuristics: (a) a waiting strategy that delays the final assignment of vehicles to their next destination, and (b) a …

A vehicle routing algorithm for the distribution of fresh vegetables and similar perishable food

An algorithm for the distribution of fresh vegetables in which the perishability represents a critical factor was developed. This particular problem was formulated as a vehicle routing problem with time windows and time-dependent travel-times (VRPTWTD) where the travel-times between two …

An iterated local search algorithm for the time-dependent vehicle routing problem with time windows

We generalize the standard vehicle routing problem with time windows by allowing both traveling times and traveling costs to be time-dependent functions. In our algorithm, we use a local search to determine routes of the vehicles. When we evaluate a …

The time-dependent traveling salesman problem and single machine scheduling problems with sequence dependent setup times

In this paper, we consider scheduling problems on a single machine in a sequence dependent setup environment. For these problems, we introduce several integer programming formulations of varying size and strength. Computational experiments conducted on instances of 1 | si …

An asymmetric TSP with time windows and with time-dependent travel times and costs: An exact solution through a graph transformation

In this paper we deal with an extended version of the Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem with Time Windows (ATSPTW) that considers time-dependent travel times and costs, for a more accurate approximation of some routing problems inside large cities, in which …

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