Category: <span>Cited by 1st review</span>

Analysis and branch-and-cut algorithm for the time-dependent travelling salesman problem

Given a graph whose arc traversal times vary over time, the time-dependent travelling salesman problem (TDTSP) consists in finding a Hamiltonian tour of least total duration covering the vertices of the graph. The contribution of this paper is twofold. First, …

Integrating stochastic time-dependent travel speed in solution methods for the dynamic dial-A-ride problem

In urban areas, logistic transportation operations often run into problems because travel speeds change, depending on the current traffic situation. If not accounted for, time-dependent and stochastic travel speeds frequently lead to missed time windows and thus poorer service. Especially …

Finding a minimum cost path between a pair of nodes in a time-varying road network with a congestion charge

The minimum cost path problem in a time-varying road network is a complicated problem. The paper proposes two heuristic methods to solve the minimum cost path problem between a pair of nodes with a time-varying road network and a congestion …

Integrated Ant Colony and Tabu Search approach for time dependent vehicle routing problems with simultaneous pickup and delivery

Today manufacturers have become much more concerned with the coordination of both manufacturing (of new products) and recycling (of reusable resources) operations. This requires simultaneous scheduling of both forward and reverse flows of goods over a supply chain network. This …

Investigating the use of metaheuristics for solving single vehicle routing problems with time-varying traversal costs

Metaheuristic algorithms, such as simulated annealing and tabu search, are popular solution techniques for vehicle routing problems (VRPs). These approaches rely on iterative improvements to a starting solution, involving slight alterations to the routes (ie, neighbourhood moves), moving a node …

Branch and price for the time-dependent vehicle routing problem with time windows

This paper presents a branch-and-price algorithm for the time-dependent vehicle routing problem with time windows (TDVRPTW). We capture road congestion by considering time-dependent travel times, i.e., depending on the departure time to a customer, a different travel time is incurred. …

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