Time-dependent routing

A branch-and-price-and-cut algorithm for time-dependent pollution routing problem

© 2023 Elsevier LtdThe time-dependent pollution routing problem (TDPRP) extends the pollution routing problem (PRP) cause it captures traffic congestion at peak periods in urban transportation. It concerns planning a fleet of homogeneous vehicles to serve all customers, jointly deciding …

Iterated Maximum Large Neighborhood Search for the Traveling Salesman Problem with Time Windows and its Time-dependent Version

This article introduces a new algorithm for finding feasible or makespan-optimal solutions of Traveling Salesman Problems with Time Windows (TSPTWs) and Time-Dependent TSPTWs (TDTSPTWs). The algorithm starts from a sequence of visits of the customers involved in the problem, uses …

Branch-Cut-and-Price for the Time-Dependent Green Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows

Motivated by rising concerns regarding global warming and traffic congestion effects, we study the time-dependent green vehicle routing problem with time windows (TDGVRPTW), aiming to minimize carbon emissions. The TDGVRPTW is a variant of the time-dependent vehicle routing problem (TDVRP) …

Efficient feasibility checks and an adaptive large neighborhood search algorithm for the time-dependent green vehicle routing problem with time windows

In recent years, reducing emissions has been important for mitigating global warming and the effects of traffic congestion. As a variant of the green vehicle routing problem (GVRP), the time-dependent GVRP with time windows (TDGVRPTW) accounts for both time-dependent travel …

Multiroute fresh produce green routing models with driver fatigue using Type-2 fuzzy logic-based DFWA

In developing countries, 40 percent of fresh fruits and vegetables are generally transported through nonrefrigerated vehicles and perishes before use, and wholesalers lose potential profits due to item rot. Here, a wholesaler’s conveyance with fresh goods starts from a depot …

Dynamic priority rules for combining on-demand passenger transportation and transportation of goods

Urban on-demand transportation services are booming in both passenger transportation and the transportation of goods. The types of service differ in timeliness and compensation and, until now, providers operate larger fleets separately for each type of service. While this may …

The time-dependent electric vehicle routing problem with drone and synchronized mobile battery swapping

Logistics enterprises are moving towards high efficiency and green. As an emerging technology, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV, also known as drone) is very useful to cope with flexible and fast delivery. Electric vehicles (EVs), as new energy vehicles, are the …

Time-dependent vehicle routing problem of perishable product delivery considering the differences among paths on the congested road

Many companies that conduct a perishable product delivery face a practical problem when an increasingly congested road setting exists. An inappropriate routing scheme not only leads to higher delivery costs but also results in customers’ dissatisfaction. The previous literature paid …

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