Time-dependent routing

Travel time forecasting and dynamic origin-destination estimation for freeways based on bluetooth traffic monitoring

Traditional technologies, such as inductive loop detectors, do not usually produce measurements of the quality required by real-time applications. Therefore, one wonders what could be expected from newer information and communication technologies, such as automatic vehicle location, license plate recognition, …

Using simulated annealing to minimize fuel consumption for the time-dependent vehicle routing problem

The vehicle routing problem (VRP) has been addressed in many research papers. Only a few of them take time-dependent travel speeds into consideration. Moreover, most research related to the VRP aims to minimize total travel time or travel distance. In …

A tabu search heuristic for a sequence-dependent and time-dependent scheduling problem on a single machine

This paper introduces a tabu search heuristic for a production scheduling problem with sequence-dependent and time-dependent setup times on a single machine. The problem consists in scheduling a set of dependent jobs, where the transition between two jobs comprises an …

A way to optimally solve a time-dependent Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows

In this paper we deal with a generalization of the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows that considers time-dependent travel times and costs. Through several steps we transform this extension into an Asymmetric Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem, so it can …

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