Authors: Cordeau, J.-F.; Ghiani, G.; Guerriero, E.
Transportation Science - 2014 Volume 48, Pages 46-58
Given a graph whose arc traversal times vary over time, the time-dependent travelling salesman problem (TDTSP) consists in finding a Hamiltonian tour of least total duration covering the vertices of the graph. The contribution of this paper is twofold. First, we describe a lower and upper bounding procedure that requires the solution of a simpler (yet NP-hard) asymmetric travelling salesman problem (ATSP). In addition, we prove that this ATSP solution is optimal for the TDTSP if all the arcs share a common congestion pattern. Second, we formulate the TDTSP as an integer linear programming model for which valid inequalities are devised. These inequalities are then embedded into a branch-and-cut algorithm that is able to solve instances with up to 40 vertices.
Cite as:
doi = {10.1287/trsc.1120.0449},
url = {},
year = 2014,
month = {feb},
publisher = {Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences ({INFORMS})},
volume = {48},
number = {1},
pages = {46--58},
author = {Jean-Fran{c{c}}ois Cordeau and Gianpaolo Ghiani and Emanuela Guerriero},
title = {Analysis and Branch-and-Cut Algorithm for the Time-Dependent Travelling Salesman Problem},
journal = {Transportation Science}