The mixed capacitated general routing problem with time-dependent demands

The mixed capacitated general routing problem with time-dependent demands

Authors: Ahabchane, Chahid; Langevin, André; Trépanier, Martin

Networks - 2020 Volume 76, Pages 467-484

The mixed capacitated general routing problem (MCGRP) is defined over a mixed graph, for which some nodes, arcs, and edges must be serviced. The problem consists of determining a set of routes of minimum cost that satisfy the demand. Some problems like salt spreading have a time-dependent demand which was ignored in the previous studies. This variation of demand is due to the weather or traffic conditions. This study presents a mixed integer programming model without graph transformation to node routing. We use CPLEX to solve small instances and we develop a Slack Induction by String Removals metaheuristic for large instances adapted to this problem. The proposed model and metaheuristic were tested on problems derived from a set of classical instances of the MCGRP with some modifications to include time-dependent demands.

Cite as:

	doi = {10.1002/net.21984},
	url = {},
	year = 2020,
	month = {sep},
	publisher = {Wiley},
	volume = {76},
	number = {4},
	pages = {467--484},
	author = {Chahid Ahabchane and Andr{'{e}} Langevin and Martin Tr{'{e}}panier},
	title = {The mixed capacitated general routing problem with$less$scp$greater$time-dependent$less$/scp$greater$demands},
	journal = {Networks}

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