Fast routing in very large public transportation networks using transfer patterns

Fast routing in very large public transportation networks using transfer patterns

Authors: Bast, H.; Carlsson, E.; Eigenwillig, A.; Geisberger, R.; Harrelson, C.; Raychev, V.; Viger, F.

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) - 2010 Volume 6346 LNCS, Pages 290-301

We show how to route on very large public transportation networks (up to half a billion arcs) with average query times of a few milliseconds. We take into account many realistic features like: traffic days, walking between stations, queries between geographic locations instead of a source and a target station, and multi-criteria cost functions. Our algorithm is based on two key observations: (1) many shortest paths share the same transfer pattern, i.e., the sequence of stations where a change of vehicle occurs; (2) direct connections without change of vehicle can be looked up quickly. We precompute the respective data; in practice, this can be done in time linear in the network size, at the expense of a small fraction of non-optimal results. We have accelerated public transportation routing on Google Maps with a system based on our ideas. We report experimental results for three data sets of various kinds and sizes. © 2010 Springer-Verlag.

Cite as:

	doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-15775-2_25},
	url = {},
	year = 2010,
	publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
	pages = {290--301},
	author = {Hannah Bast and Erik Carlsson and Arno Eigenwillig and Robert Geisberger and Chris Harrelson and Veselin Raychev and Fabien Viger},
	title = {Fast Routing in Very Large Public Transportation Networks Using Transfer Patterns},
	booktitle = {Algorithms {textendash} {ESA} 2010}

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